During the months of March 2020 and July 2020 we wanted to help stress the importance of staying at home to save lives. Normally we’d be trying everything we could to get you to visit The Artists Pad, but during those uncertain months we were asking you all to stay away and stay at home to help save lives and protect the NHS.

We approached some of the leading practising artists as well as creatives we liked, from photographers, illustrators, animators, poets and painters to create special contributions for this little social campaign, dreamt up to simply help people understand the importance of doing as we were told through the expression of art.

We wanted to give the world a reason to smile, no matter how small our contribution to that smile it was, it was well worth it.

Below is just some of the artwork submitted that went on to be shared socially as well as pieces being hung in TAP. One World, One Love x